“The Long-Lewis Foundation is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ throughout the communities we serve by
supporting evangelistic causes and providing aid to those experiencing medical or emotional needs.”
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your financial donation and your prayers for our Serbia Mission trip during June 12-20, 2024. We served over 250 kids at sports camps and Vacation Bible School. My team of ten high school students grades 10-12 led a community outreach event that reached 350 people, and the gospel was shared with every one of them. I was one of three students that spoke at three different churches with over 300 people. Personally, I felt the Holy Spirit increase in my life which fueled my passion and desire for reaching elementary aged children for Jesus Christ. Again, thank you very much for your prayers and donation! I could not have fulfilled God’s work and my spiritual journey without the Long Lewis Foundation!
-Abby Grace Bayless
Church of the Highlands (Florence)
Dear Long-Lewis Foundation,
On behalf of the entire team at BBIC, I want to express our deepest gratitude for your incredible generosity and continued support over the years. Your contributions have truly made a lasting impact on the lives of so many, and we are forever thankful for your partnership in this mission.
Thanks to your faithful giving, we have been able to make a tangible difference in Guatemala, sharing the love of Jesus and providing free medical care to those in desperate need. Your support enables us to continue the vital work of our foster home, where we are currently caring for six precious babies. Each of these babies came to us in need of a temporary, loving home — a place where they are surrounded by Christ’s love and can grow up in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment while waiting for their forever families.
Your funding also allows us to sustain our trade school, which empowers young men to develop skills that will help them provide for their families. This program is changing lives by offering a pathway to economic stability and hope for the future, and it would not be possible without your ongoing support.
The impact of your giving reaches far beyond just numbers and statistics — it’s seen in the smiles of the children we care for, the gratitude of the families we serve, and the lives that are being transformed through the love of Christ. With partners like the Long Lewis Foundation, we are able to continue this important work and expand our efforts to reach even more people in need.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for standing with us and helping to make these life-changing initiatives possible. We are truly grateful for your generosity, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.
With heartfelt thanks and blessings,
-Morgan Milam
BBIC Board of Directors
To The Long-Lewis Foundation,
I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support of The Rescue Me Project. Your generous contributions have been instrumental in empowering us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the youth in our community and beyond.
Thanks to your support, we have been able to provide essential resources, mentorship programs, and educational opportunities to young individuals who may have otherwise been overlooked or underserved. Your dedication to our cause has not only helped us reach our goals but has also inspired us to dream bigger and aim higher in our mission to create positive change.
The impact of your generosity extends far beyond the tangible resources you provide. Your belief in our vision has given us the confidence to persevere through challenges and continue pushing forward, knowing that we have partners like you standing beside us every step of the way.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your ongoing support, encouragement, and commitment to making the world a better place for our youth. Together, we are truly making a difference.
With heartfelt gratitude,
-Dewayne Malone
Founder/President at The Rescue Me Project
Long-Lewis Foundation has been a God send as we Blaze the Trail for Jesus! From helping us do community outreach with our Horses to traveling to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to do Horse and Bible Camps every year and traveling to Navajo Nation to distribute much needed water containers to help alleviate suffering from lack of water, your timely response doesn’t go unnoticed. The youth of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation always tell us that we are different because we come back every year as most ministry teams do not sadly. Reservation missions aren’t for the faint of heart. Thanks again Long-Lewis Foundation!
-Keith Green
Executive Director
The Long-Lewis Foundation was such a blessing to our organization. Their donation could not have came at a better time as we have just signed a lease on a facility to house 12 women in recovery from substance abuse/addiction. Thank you Long-Lewis for investing in HRC and into our community!
-Monica Stewart
Executive Director
Once again, your generous contribution to the annual GMM Golf Tournament was vital in making it a huge success. It was our biggest and best ever! This event is crucial in allowing us to maintain and sustain this ever-growing ministry that feeds and educates the poorest of the poor in the mountain village of Lela Obraje, Chiquimula, Guatemala. After witnessing the amazing changes in the children and families over the past 20 plus years, you can know that you are helping to make a tremendous impact in those lives! On behalf of those children, their families, the teachers and staff, and the entire board of directors, we are eternally grateful.
-Debra Simmons
Board of Directors, Secretary
Thanks so much to Long-Lewis Foundation for helping my daughter, Alexis, with her recovery from a brain injury. The assistance from the Foundation has provided help with her treatments & the 23 day stay out of town. We are so grateful for the help & Blessed by this Foundation with their assistance.
-Jennifer Edington
Sheffield, Alabama
On behalf of The Rescue Me Project, we want to publicly say “thank you” for your continuous dedication to our mission! WE have grown tremendously because of you! There has been an outstanding number of student success testimonials that has came through “The Rescue Me Project.”
We’ve been able to create a place where youth can learn, and grow outside of school.
We teach life skills, self respect, respecting others, showing gratitude, being kind, being responsible, setting goals, how to manage their emotions, tutoring, and so much more! Without you, none of this would be possible. Thanks again for your continuous support!
-Dewayne Malone
I just want to say thank you on behalf of all those your helping us minister to in Kentucky with practical application concerning food, supplies, clothing and the likes of which we personally would not be able to do alone without you and your generous gifts of Love United in His ministry. Matthew 25:35-40 Thank you again!
-Rev. John Jensen
Isaiah 58-Ministries of Love
As we look back at 2021 and what was another interesting year, we are once again amazed at God’s faithfulness in providing for the needs of the Global Missions of Mercy (GMM) ministry in Guatemala. So much of His provision is through our annual golf tournament which was another record breaking success.
A tremendous “thank you” to the Long-Lewis Foundation for continuing to be a blessing through your generous support as title sponsor for this event!
Bodies, minds, and souls are being nurtured and fed, for the glory of God, because of you.
-Debra Simmons
We are so grateful for the Long Lewis Foundation and all that they do for helping spread the love of Jesus Christ! Everywhere from our local community to places around the world, they are making a huge impact for the kingdom. We are thankful for their partnership in helping us share the love of Jesus with the people of Guatemala!
-Erik Hunt
Once again, a huge “thanks so much” to the LLF for your generous support for our annual golf tournament. As most things have been in 2020, the event looked a little different than in years past. However, whether it was because of or in spite of Covid-19…we had our best tournament ever. Glory to God!!! The impact this will have in helping to keep families fed and ministered to during these exceptionally difficult times is a tremendous blessing. Thank you is not enough for your willingness to be a part of sharing the gospel all over the world!
-Debra Simmons
In preparing to write this, I read several testimonials that have been submitted by other recipients of your foundation’s generosity. What an honor it is for Global Missions of Mercy to continually be included in your mission to carry the gospel “to the uttermost parts of the earth”! Because of LLF’s faithful sponsorship, GMM’s annual golf tournament continues to grow and provide much needed revenue to support the ministry in the beautiful mountain villages of Chiquimula Guatemala. 20 years ago the indigenous families in those mountains were literally starving……for food, for the True and Living God, and for hope for the future. Today, their bodies, minds, and spirits are all being fed; and the results are amazing! Thank you, Long-Lewis Foundation, for your faithfulness in carrying out the Great Commission!
-Debra Simmons
I just wanted to take the time to express my appreciation and gratitude on behalf of the JUMP. The Long-Lewis Foundation has literally paved the way for our program. Your partnership, sponsorship and donations has allowed everyone involved to focus more on the kids instead of worrying how the rent and bills will be paid to continue the program. The van has truly been a blessing so we can provide transportation for our kids and have consistent attendance. We are truly elated to be connected to a business that cares about the community the way you all do and you don’t mind expressing it through your constant sacrifice in giving. My dad is a Long-Lewis guy. He won’t do business unless it is with Long-Lewis so I know your reputation speaks for itself and it comes highly recommended. Thank you for the opportunity that you have given our organization to grow and become what it is today. We are steadily gaining new partners, sponsors, members, volunteers and students because of the platform that your organization helped us to achieve. Thank you again and may God continue to bless your business far beyond what you ever imagined.
-Shantrice Byrd
The Long-Lewis Foundation has been instrumental in helping our organization, Meals on Wheels of The Shoals, maintain it’s 44 years of consistently delivering meals to the elderly home bound and/or disabled in the counties we serve. From donations to the regular delivery of a route of meals, they are always giving of their time and constantly show the Love of Christ to our community. As an independent local organization, we rely on contributions and volunteers from our community to keep our wheels turning. Our clients are on low or fixed incomes and are not able to pay for our services–so we are grateful for the partner we have in Long-Lewis to fight hunger in the Shoals area.
-Suzanne Moore
Community Development/Marketing Coordinator
The Long- Lewis Foundation has played a vital role by providing funds for our flagship program Isaiah’s Call. We feed over 200 families a week in Lauderdale and Colbert County by sending bags with meals home from school. Without generous donors like the Long-Lewis Foundation, we could not continue to provide this need for so many food insecure families in the Shoals area. Thank you!
-Ginger Willingham, President
The Josh Willingham Foundation
Our organization assists the homeless in the area & people who who experience unexpected life changing circumstances & are in need of emergency services. We operate these services off of 100% donations. Thanks to the Long-Lewis Foundation we have been able to assist hundreds of families including the elderly & disabled with disconnected utilities. Thanks for helping us to continue to be the hands & feet of Jesus in this community! On behalf of our organization & our clients, we love you all & we THANK YOU!
-Kimberly Jackson
Founder & Executive Director
What a blessing the Long-Lewis Foundation has been to the Prattville YMCA. Over the last few years the foundation has supported our Coach a Child Scholarship Fund. This fund provides scholarship dollars to children and families who would be unable to use the services of the Y due to financial hardship. So far in 2018 we have been able to help over 2500 different individuals. The Long-Lewis Foundation is playing a big part in the lives of these people. Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” It is obvious that the folks of the Long-Lewis Foundation are disciples. It is demonstrated by their love and generosity. The Prattville YMCA is thankful to be a recipient of that love.
-Keith Cantrell
Assistant General Director/Development
I have been involved with Rescue Me in Muscle Shoals for about 2 years. I was introduced to the program by Dewayne Malone. He was volunteering as my nephews rec basketball coach and as he learned my nephews story Dewayne felt that he could benefit from the program.
Kaiden has been attending the center since it started and loves it. Not only do Dewayne and the other mentors do a good job on the nights that they are open, they also invest in the children’s lives. They have worked along side my husband and me as we navigated learning to raise a child who came to us as a preteen after experiencing terrible life situations and profound loss. The program leaders stood by us as we made some tough love decisions, called and supported him through medical and emotional trials and were there to talk with him, tutor him and show him love. They were also instrumental in helping us to reconnect with nephew’s biological father which I attribute to the huge turn around that has occurred with him.
Once headed down a path of destructive decisions, potential crime and failing grades, I am pleased to say he is much improved and involved in sports, music and church. The friends that he has through the center has given him self confidence and skills to become a strong productive citizen. I cannot praise Dewayne and the other mentors for what they have done for our family.
Muscle Shoals, AL
The Long-Lewis Foundation is a proud supporter of the Rescue Me Project.
The Long-Lewis Foundation continues to be a blessing for the local events hosted by New Remnant Worship Center. This summer, Long-Lewis assist in funding financial help for students who attended six-week summer tutoring. Their generous donation allowed us to pay for Chromebook rental fees for students who attend Florence City Schools.
New Remnant Worship Center loves Long-Lewis Foundation!
-Kimberly Motton
1st Lady/Minister
The Jump Program has really helped my son. I would highly recommend this program to all parents. Dewayne and Angel Malone love the children. My son also had a great mentor. I salute all of the mentors for being in the lives of these children. I enjoyed the “Bully” video. It meant a lot to me because it was teaching the children about bullying and giving examples of it also. I am blessed that my son was a part of something that meant a lot to him. I pray that God keeps blessing the Malones and their Jump Project!!!!
-April Johnson
My daughter participated in the JUMP Mentoring Program sponsored in part through your organization. Before her involvement she had trouble expressing herself as well as not being confident in new situations. Through both group and individual counseling as well as one on one contact with her mentor she gained much needed life coping skills. I saw her blossom into a young woman ready for the next chapter in life; to which I attribute much of that to the JUMP program! Thank you for investing in the children in our community!!
-Glenna Haddock
Muscle Shoals, AL
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Long-Lewis Foundation for their sponsorship of our annual “Remembering Alex: A Day for St Jude”. With their help, we were able to raise over $15,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! Our family has been touched by your generosity!
-Jennifer Denton
On behalf of Crossroads Community Outreach I would like to thank Long-Lewis Foundation for their generous donations to our organization. Thanks to you several families in crisis including homeless individuals were assisted with food & basic living necessities. We are forever thankful!! You are truly the hand & feet of Jesus!! Bless you!
Forever Thankful!!
-Kimberly Jackson, Founder & Executive Director
Crossroads Community Outreach
Restoration Church would like to thank The Long-Lewis Foundation for partnering with us in reaching out to bless over 20 families during the Christmas season. We are so thankful for this foundation and what it stands for. Thank you for sharing in our vision to bless families at Christmas. Many thanks!
-Pastor Mark Jenkins
Restoration Church
Thank you to the Long-Lewis Foundation for your contribution to The Rescue Me Project to our latest addition, Youth Mentoring Project. You guys are a true blessing to the entire community, and we really appreciate you. We are so excited about the impact that this will offer to the youth of the community! Thanks again for your support.
–Dewayne Malone
Motivational Speaker/Mentor
Motivating Vision with a Purpose
New Remnant Worship Center would like to thank Long-Lewis Foundation for their generous donation of $750.00 towards our 1st Annual Women’s Conference. Their generous donation blessed thirty-eight women with a $20.00 gas card to Chevron gas station. On behalf of the recipients of the gas cards, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for meeting the needs of community residents. Their financial donation went towards a great cause and we are appreciative of this great agency in our community.
-Mrs. Kimberly Motton
1st Lady/Minister
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Conference is a faith-based Roman Catholic lay organization founded in 1833 that operates in 146 countries. Approximately 25% of their work is in the U.S.A., which includes 175,000 volunteers and provides over $500 million in services to the poor annually. The all-volunteer local SVDP Conference has served the poor and marginalized individuals or families in Lauderdale County for about 28 years. Our SVDP Conference provides support to those most in need with utility assistance if on “Final Notice,” rent assistance if on an “Eviction Notice,” food, and critical medicine assistance as needed. SVDP volunteer case workers make unique home visits to determine additional needs, offer encouragement, prayer, and provide resource lists of other local charitable organizations. The SVDP Conference provides clothing and household necessities free through our Voucher Program in cooperation with our Florence SVDP Thrift Store. One hundred percent of your generous support was used to help the poorest in our community. As a result, 25 individuals or families avoided being disconnected or being evicted. In addition, we were able to help several of these clients with clothing and other household items. About 75% were minorities, and all were of non-Catholic faith traditions. The Long-Lewis Foundation is having a wonderful impact on our local community and is supporting so many other great faith-based organizations. Thank you so very much for your support and your prayers for our local SVDP programs.
-John Lawton
We would like to thank the Long-Lewis Foundation for the monetary blessing that was given to my brother. With this contribution, we were able to purchase a car that was very needed. He is yet so excited. Others see the smile on his face. He knows this was truly a blessing from God. He received his car the day before his birthday. Thank you so much for helping my brother. You made a difference in his life. We thank God for all the employees at Long-Lewis who assisted him. Continue to let Christ show His love in you. Be blessed. Thank You!
-Quincey and Martha
The Rescue Me Project has partnered with Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center in Tuscumbia, Alabama to mentor the residents detained here. These troubled youth are often viewed by society as “the ones who no one else wants to be bothered with”. Yet, the Rescue Me Project crew sees hope for change and has reached out with an understanding heart in hopes of impacting their lives in a positive manner. By expounding upon the phrase “Every moment that was meant to destroy me is dedicated to help build me”, the residents here are being motivated to make the right choices in defining their moment. Thank you to the Long-Lewis Foundation is in order for sponsoring this organization. Together, we can move mountains!!
-Tina Jackson
Assistant Director
Minister Dewayne Malone came to our church and really blessed us as a church family. His testimony to our youth, and their parents, through the Come Rescue Me Project really enlightened them on the “facts” concerning the street life. We are thankful that this message is able to be transported across this nation for the betterment and correction of young lives. He is thoroughly anointed for this task, and to the Long-Lewis Foundation you are doing an awesome thing to support this cause! Many blessings and much favor be with you in all that you do! Numbers 6:24-26
-Larry Davidson, Jr.
For several years Long-Lewis Foundation has been the title sponsor for our Global Missions of Mercy (GMM) annual golf tournament. As usual many volunteers worked hard to prepare a day of blessings for all who played in the tournament. LLF gave us the financial boost to prepare us for this event played on July 24th. The well organized approach, the kindness and Christlike spirit of the Long-Lewis employees helped ease our hurried hearts in preparing for this annual event. Now, when the precious poor kids and teenagers in Eastern Guatemala eat their free meals, study to break the daunting oppression of ignorance and hear The Good News of Jesus Christ to set them free, there is a big “Thank You” shouted to heaven for God allowing and prompting a business as Long-Lewis to help us and so many other worthy causes! Thank you again!!
-Ted Vafeas
GMM Board Member
The Long-Lewis Foundation has been a blessing to the students and staff at Shoals Christian School during the 2014-15 school year. They made it possible, through a grant, to help two of our students stay in school here, and continue their education, when family circumstances beyond their control may have dictated otherwise. The Foundation also generously supported our Feed the Need fundraiser, which helped the school raise necessary funds, and provided 10,000 pre-packaged, nutritious meals for hungry families. 8,500 of these meals went to children in Harlan County, Kentucky, and 1,500 stayed here in the Shoals to be distributed through Loaves and Fishes. Through the generosity of the Long-Lewis Foundation, many people were blessed, and we hope, in turn, will bless others. “Thank you” seems an inadequate indicator for the gratitude we feel for your investment in projects that will reap eternal rewards. I pray God will richly bless and reward your kindness in the years to come.
–Didi Vardaman
Development and Admissions Director
Loaves and Fishes has been feeding the hungry in our community for over 25 years. We only exist because of the dedication of those organizations and individuals who have supported us financially and by donating food and time to our ministry. Through out the years, Long-Lewis has helped us many times by taking up canned food and non-perishables to help refill our pantry. This year has been a difficult one. Not only for the hundreds of people who have found themselves laid off from all of the big businesses closing in our area but also for our contributors. Our donations have suffered due to our local issues and the economy as a whole. Smaller donations mean less food we have and less families we can feed. I reached out to the Long-Lewis Foundation when our walk-in freezer’s thermostat broke and we lost all our meat and other frozen foods. It was a very trying time for our pantry. The Long-Lewis Foundation didn’t hesitate to help us rebuild what was lost. Because of their generosity, we have been able to affect the lives of 216 people so far this month. Without the charitable blessings Long-Lewis bestowed upon us, we couldn’t have touched these people. Not only were we able to fill their stomachs with food but we were also able to feed their spiritual needs as well. We at Loaves and Fishes wanted to say thank you so very much for helping us reach the less fortunate in our community. Without Long-Lewis’ generosity there would be a large group of families who would be hungry right now, instead there are children who had dinner last night because of the donation that was made to us. As a community, we can help those in need. No one person can do it all alone but when we band together we can reach so many more people and not only fill their stomachs but fill those we help with the love of God. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do both. With Gratitude,
–Hope Kirby
Food Distribution Manager
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) presenting Sponsorship Appreciation Award to Todd Ouellette on behalf of the Long-Lewis Foundation.
The Annual Jeff Dropo Run 4 Kids has been so blessed to have the continuous support of the Long-Lewis Foundation. For the last 5 years they have been a Sponsor of our 5k and 1 Mile Event where all proceeds go to Camp Smile-A-Mile, a year round program for children in Alabama with cancer. Camp SAM’s mission is to provide challenging, unforgettable recreational and educational experiences for young cancer patients, their families and young adult survivors from all over Alabama at no cost. They are celebrating their 30th year of operation this year. Camp SAM and TNT Fireworks are so proud and grateful for Long-Lewis Foundation’s contribution in helping us raise not only needed funds, but also awareness of a part of cancer treatment that is so necessary, and only known about mainly in the “cancer world” of these children and their families. Thank you Long-Lewis Foundation for being an ongoing partner with us in raising funds, public awareness, but most of all Smiles-a-Mile wide for children with cancer and their families in Alabama. God Bless!
-Kathie Pendergrass
Run Director
The American Cancer Society is the largest source of private, nonprofit cancer research funds in the U.S. The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Last year, the American Cancer Society invested over $120 million in research, and since 1946, we have invested more than $2.8 billion in cancer research. 43 Nobel Prize winners have received grants from The American Cancer Society to help fund their research efforts. The American Cancer Society continues to make advancements in cancer prevention and early detection through local tobacco advocacy, cancer awareness programs and by working through local schools to educate children. The American Cancer Society works at all levels of Government too promote beneficial policies, Long-Lewis Foundationlaws, and regulations for those affected by cancer. The American Cancer Society also provides support services to those who are living with cancer. These include programs like Reach to Recovery, Road to Recovery, Look Good…Feel Better, Bosom Buddies support group for women, and the Man to Man prostate cancer support program. The American Cancer Society is one of the most recognized names in the country, boasting 96 percent name recognition. By becoming a sponsor of an American Cancer Society program or event, you are helping to find a cure for cancer and reduce the burden this disease has on our community. People will see and know your company as an organization committed to the well being of your customers and employees. A sincere THANK YOU for your sponsorship of the Franklin County Relay for Life event each year. May God Bless everyone associated with Long-Lewis Foundation.
–Gerald Hester
Board Member
The Dwelling Place is very thankful for the Long-Lewis Foundation. Our ministry is in West Florence, and we see great need in our community. One recent need that became apparent during our street ministry, was for the children in the community to have access to WiFi. The Florence School System issues iPads to the students. However, not all students have access to ‘WiFi” at their home, making it difficult to study and complete homework assignments. Due to the support of Long-Lewis and another foundation, we were able to get our facility connected and protected by an internet firewall, create a check-in space, and secure a computer to keep track of tutors, mentors, and students. We are happy to report, that West Florence now has a safe-place for the children (and adults) to get connected safely. This is the first of many internet related programs that will assist our community with their educational needs in a Christian environment. Thanks Long-Lewis Foundation. We urge you and will continue to pray that your ministry will continue making a difference in the lives of the people of the Shoals!
–Mark Linder
The Dwelling Place
I started working with the American Cancer Society shortly after losing the third member of my family to that dreaded disease. The funding of cancer research provided by ACS as well as assisting families to cope during treatment are so important to everyone and must be continued and expanded to combat cancer and meet the needs of the patients. We can help accomplish this with funds we raise to meet the demand. Our fundraiser this year was a Cancer Ball and we thank you Long-Lewis Foundation for your contribution/sponsorship to our Cancer Ball “Boots & Bling”. It was a wonderful event and you helped us exceed our goal. Your application process and response time is very efficient. Thank you for all that you do to help our community meet the needs of our friends and neighbors. It was a pleasure to work with the Long-Lewis Foundation.
–Pat Burney
American Cancer Society Committee
My mother is 86 years old and lives in a housing project across the street from Spring Park. Several weeks ago one of you at The Long-Lewis Foundation brought hams and gave them away to the residents. Mother was blessed to receive one. She was so excited over the gift. Hams are expensive and not something she can afford with her income. She was amazed that a perfect stranger would come up and give such a wonderful gift to her. She felt so blessed.
Mom cooked the ham herself and then called the grandchildren & great grans to enjoy it with her, which they did. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and made Mom feel so good.
It’s a lovely thing to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. You put a smile on that 86 year olds’ face & joy in her heart. And you touched her life with kindness, compassion, and love.
Many thanks for making Mom’s Thanksgiving so special! May God’s blessing be with you all.
What a great gift from the Long-Lewis Foundation. We were able to divide up the tuition money to 8 different families that had multiple children, single parents, etc. Thanks so much for helping these families with your gift!
–Bill Deegan
The Long-Lewis Foundation has been very generous in donating funds for our Associational Baptist Camp, Earle Trent Assembly. The donations have been used in helping our association complete a High Ropes Challenge Course. Earle Trent Assembly is a facility on the banks of Shoals Creek in Lauderdale County and hosts over a thousand children and youth every year. Every year teenagers and children make decisions to follow Christ and grow in their Christian faith while attending a camp at Earle Trent Assembly. The Long-Lewis Foundation has been instrumental in helping lead teenagers and children to make those decisions. Thank you Long-Lewis Foundation!
–Eddy Garner
Director of Missions
Thank You Long-Lewis Foundation and Long-Lewis Ford for the generous support of Easter Seals Northwest Alabama’s “Walk With Me” Fundraising event. The funds raised in the Walk allows Easter Seals Northwest Alabama the opportunity to provide children with disabilities much needed Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy no matter their ability to pay. Since the “Walk With Me” event started seven (7) years ago, Long-Lewis Foundation or Long-Lewis Ford has been one of the primary event sponsors. A very special “Thank You” to Todd and Leslie Ouellette for their generous spirit and huge hearts for people. Easter Seals Northwest Alabama has been greatly blessed by the Long-Lewis Foundation, Long Lewis Ford, and the Ouellette family!
–Danny Prince
We cannot thank the Long-Lewis Foundation enough for their support of the Saddle Up for St. Jude, North Alabama event. With your help we were able to send St. Jude Children’s Hospital $129,000.00. As Danny Thomas founder of St. Jude said,” No Child should die in the dawn of life.” Thank you again for your support.
–Ann Jones
Global Missions of Mercy was started by William Carson (of Tuscumbia) and his wife Sarita. While ministering faithfully to the end, William died in 2004 from a sudden heart attack. Thankfully Sarita Carson continues the vision with the Shorti Indians in the Guatemala Mountains. Sarita, her workers and teachers share the Love of Christ, feed hundreds of poor children monthly, supply basic medical needs from a clinic on sight, and give leadership to a Christian school grades one through six. The school was built with donations and faithful volunteers from North Alabama. The Long-Lewis Foundation has been so kind in being the Title Sponsor of several golf tournaments allowing us to make our much needed budget to sustain the work mentioned above. We thank The Lord for a business that gives great auto and truck service to the Shoals but also supports many individuals and ministries that benefit others. The love of Long-Lewis for this type of ministry to the poorest says a lot of their leadership and vision. God bless you!
–Ted Vafeas
GMM Board Member
I cannot thank the Long-Lewis Foundation enough for your assistance with my Live Beyond mission trip to Haiti in November. It is such a blessing that you do this for our community. During our trip, we saw several hundred patients in medical clinics and visited the disabled and disadvantaged in their homes. Many received food and medicine during these clinics and visits. I was assigned to the prayer team and had the blessing of praying with each person who came to clinic. This was my second trip to Haiti, and I hope to make another soon. On both trips, my favorite part of the day has been right before clinic begins. The Haitian patients sing “How Great Thou Art” in Creole, followed by the American volunteers singing in English, then everyone singing together. A little glimpse of Heaven, I believe! Thank you again for your contribution to my mission trip.
–Vicki Pounders Hall
Tuscumbia, AL
I live in Courtview Towers. When I got home from work yesterday, I found a basket with some canned goods and dry goods and a ham. A note in the basket told me that my thanks belong to The Long-Lewis Foundation. I am very thankful. I feel blessed to live in an area where low-income households are remembered.
Thank you Long-Lewis Foundation for sponsoring “The Rescue Me Project”, a project designed to change the direction of life for troubled youth.
As we know, there are many issues that affect our youths in everyday life. Some of these things are easy to see, and some have been hidden very carefully to avoid unwanted attention. The issues hidden most are usually the ones parents, teachers, and loved ones know the least about. They also cause the most damage in families and society, and because of your sponsorship, I am able to travel and speak on these issues with a new approach from personal experience.
Thanks to The Long-Lewis Foundation, “The Rescue Me Project” is now available to Schools, Churches, Corporations, Non-Profit Organizations, and more. Please click here for a special thank you from Deshler Middle School. Click here to go to our website to see several videos and testimonials from some of the past events that also wanted to show their appreciation for your support.
Thank you so much, and I pray that God continues to bless The Long-Lewis Foundation.
–Dewayne Malone
Motivational Speaker/Mentor
Motivating Vision with a Purpose
I was feeling depressed and just felt like whatever I do was just idiotic. Everyone calls me childish and retarded, even some of my so-called friends. I just felt like I was a failure. When Dewayne Malone came to my school and shared his experience through The Rescue Me Project sponsored by the Long-Lewis Foundation, it made me feel as if no matter what, everybody matters. He taught me not give up and to keep moving forward. The presentation helped me feel more confident about myself.
–Keith Dale Cantrell
Student, Sheffield High School
We are so thankful to the Long-Lewis Foundation for all the help with the City of Refuge. We are grateful that they are an organization that follows Christ’s leadership. The funds that we received will impact the people in Guatemala greatly and will help us share the Gospel through education. God Bless.
–Josh Byrd
At the Colbert County Sheriff’s FAME Girls’ Ranch we care for 15 beautiful girls who cannot live with their families because of the choices of the adults in their lives. The girls in our care represent 7 counties across North Alabama and range in age from 12 to 18. Our location was the family home of Rick and Linda Hall of FAME Recording Studios for 33 years. We are very fortunate to have such a peaceful setting for our girls who have been through so much adversity. Our girls are typical teenagers who have jobs, play sports, and are involved in extracurricular activities at school. Until recently we had four girls with a learners permit and no car to teach them to drive in. Due to the generosity of the Long-Lewis Foundation, we now have a wonderful Ford Focus for the girls to drive and learn to drive. The staff at FAME would like to express a very heartfelt thanks to the Long-Lewis Family for helping us be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to our girls. I wish you could have seen their happy faces when they saw the car for the first time. We only have one more very important request- PRAYER – as we teach 4 teenage girls to drive!
–Cindy Hall
Director of Ranch Life
I would like to thank everyone with the Long-Lewis Foundation for sponsoring the Bags of Hope Event which was held in Russellville, Alabama in December of 2013. Almost 200 women gathered together to bring gifts to help homeless women. Long-Lewis Foundation, you helped to make it possible for us to host this event by your generous donation. We thank you for what you are doing in the lives of so many people and for the difference you are making for Jesus Christ. Thank you for all that you do for His Kingdom. Blessings!
– Shea Lowery
Executive Director – Russellville
We are so thankful for the investment that the Long-Lewis Foundation is making in protecting, nurturing and restoring children and families through Christ centered services. Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries has been helping kids from hard places have a normal childhood for over 120 years. Originally this was through residential care, but in recent years, also through Pathways Counseling, Family Care, and Foster Care. This year an estimated 6,400 children will spend time in Alabama’s foster care system. We are honored to have the Long-Lewis Foundation participate in shining the light of Christ in the lives of these wonderful children. Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries provides foster care for children in the Shoals and across Alabama. This gives us the ability to serve those in our care in a very holistic and complete manner. Serving children in foster care can be a very challenging endeavor. That is why we go the extra mile for the families in our Care. We could not do this without the support of people and organizations like the Long-Lewis Foundation!
–Terry Gallagher
Major Gifts
I am pleased to write a letter of testimonial for the Long-Lewis Foundation. Our organization was so blessed to be the recipient of a Long-Lewis fundraising event. The Long-Lewis employees were wonderful to work with. They answered all of our questions and had many workers there to help on the day of the event.
During the event, I got the feeling that the employees really wanted the fundraiser to go well for us, and they did everything possible to make it a fun and eventful day. The event was very easy for our organization to pull together, and we were very pleased with the results. Long-Lewis even went above and beyond our expectations by matching the amount of money we raised on the day of the event.
Long-Lewis has also sponsored our agency for other fundraising events we have held and even encouraged their employees to get involved. I can truly say that Long-Lewis really cares about their community and making it a better place for all. Just setting the example for their employees and encouraging them to support charitable causes says so much.
Thank you Long-Lewis for all you do in giving and loving the Shoals Area.
–Gina D. Mashburn
Many of you may know me as Mayor of Florence, but I wear many hats. One of which is a member of Cross Point Church of Christ. We have many great works in our community and through out the world. One of our local out reach ministries is a toy and coat give away for Christmas. We gave away $30,000 dollars in toys last year to over 450 people. We gave away over 2,000 coats and a bible to everyone that wanted one. That was over $10,000 in value but priceless to those who received them. We prayed with them, feed them and tried to be Jesus to them.
I submitted a request for support from the Long Lewis foundation for this effort. The process on-line was very simple and easy. I am proud to say thank you to the Long Lewis Foundation for saying yes to our request. I also want to say thank you to Todd and those that support this foundation for changing lives and making our community better today than it was yesterday. May God continue to bless your efforts, and may you be able to give away twice as much tomorrow. Be Jesus to someone today!
–Mickey Haddock
We wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Long-Lewis Foundation for their continuous financial support that enables the vision and mission of the Northwest Alabama Fellowship of Christian Athletes be fulfilled in our five-county area-wide schools and communities.
Their continued financial investments over the past 15 years continues to help cover the salaries of full-time employees, sponsor local events such as golf scrambles, fishing tournaments, game day rallies and concerts, as well as banquets. They have provided vehicles for high school and junior high school Popsicle blasts for more than 40 schools touching more than 11,800 coaches and athletes, and help send young athletes to sports specific and leadership camps. They have personally been involved in every area of our ministry.
The Foundation has been able to touch the numerous lives affected by FCA. Tens of thousands of lives have been forever changed for eternity because of the heart of the Foundation to give financially to FCA. The Foundation is sowing into coaches and athletes whose lives have been forever changed with the power of Jesus Christ.
We are so very grateful for your support. We truly could not provide this type of ministry without this ongoing partnership which enables us to invest in the countless lives of coaches and athletes in Northwest Alabama.
–Roger Boswell
Area Director
In the past 86 years as The Salvation Army has served in the Shoals with “Heart to God and hand to man”. We have been blessed to have friends within the community who come along side of us to meet human need. In this effort meet human need without discrimination, one such friend has been the Long-Lewis Foundation. The concerned individuals of Long-Lewis have helped to:
- Send children to summer camp.
- Provide homeless men the opportunity to participate in spiritual retreats.
- Provide toys and clothes for children for Christmas.
- Assisted in expanding and enhancing the Emergency Shelter (for men, women and families).
- Encourage spiritual development in the lives of all those who seek material assistance.
We are very grateful for the commitment and clarity of the Foundation to the Shoals community, and we pray that the efforts of the Foundation will bring glory to God and meet human need. Thank you for your concern and support.
–Major Donald Wilson
Corps Officer